At the Intersection of Emerging Technology and Art - Futurespaces In the Texas Desert, Craft Meets Coding - Artnet Five Years Later - How NFTs Transformed My Artistic Practice - NFC Summit TRAME unveils generative interiors, blending algorithmic design and traditional craft - Designboom TRAME’s “RIFLESSI” Encourages Artists to Create in Digital + Physical Spaces - Design Milk Generative artist Jeff Davis experiences stained glass at Ateliers Loire in France - Trame DRIFT and Jeff Davis Harness the Power of Collaboration with Schema Schema by DRIFT with Jeff Davis, Explained - Pace Gallery The Color of Code | Jeff Davis - Right Click Save Art Blocks, Jeff Davis, and Bright Moments - Venice Beach to the World - Bright Moments DeCent People With Art Block's Jeff Davis - Decential Art Dubai Digital proves to be a star attraction at the 15th edition of the fair - STIR